Friday, June 09, 2006


The thing I hate about most religions is that they choose to turn their backs to the true physics of human nature. Nature is a pandora's box, full of surprises and shocks. It is beyond determinism or stochasticity. There is no defined objective that is the goal of life. But life itself may be the ultimate goal of a singular objective.

You thought the best things in life always come for a price? Try not breathing for a minute.


At 12:54 AM, Blogger Aparajita Paul said...

The best things in life are often neglected and overlooked...the best stuff which life supplies are I believe the feelings we've, our mind and our mouth!

You seem philosophical...are you like that in real life too? Cuz I know people who are entirely different in their net, for example!


At 6:30 AM, Blogger Karthik Shekhar said...

@infektia: We're all liars and hypocrites anyway, me, you and the third person checking out this conversation anyway. But most of the times, the best way to tell the truth is to lie honestly.


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